Ostrzeżenia, Hájky [Věžovatá Pláně]


28.06 10:00 AM 10:00 – 28.06 5:59 PM 17:59

Isolated severe thunderstorms with rainfall amount over 30 mm/1 h, wind gusts about 70 km/h and hail up to 2 cm are expected. Isolated torrential rainfall and rapid local flooding may occur. Thunderstorms may be accompanied by small hail and strong winds that could result in damage to property and trees. Be careful when outdoors. Drive with particular care.


Wysoka temperatura

29.06 10:00 AM 10:00 – 29.06 5:59 PM 17:59

Temperature is expected to rise up to 33 °C. Drink lots of water or other non-alcoholic beverages. Reduce outdoor activities in the afternoon. Do not let children and pets in the direct sunlight, especially in parked cars.


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